$100 for ANYONE getting their first dose at sites using vax4nyc.nyc.gov

Who qualifies to receive the $100 pre-paid debit card?
• On Wednesday, July 28, the Mayor announced a universal $100 for individuals who get their
first vaccine dose at a New York City-run vaccine location. As of Friday, July 30, 2021, individuals
can get a $100 pre-paid debit card by going to www.vax4nyc.nyc.gov/incentives for redemption.
• As an alternative to the $100, they can also select from one of the following: NYC Football Club
Tickets, Statue of Liberty tickets, 2-week Citibike membership, Brooklyn Cyclones tickets, NYC
Ferry 10-Ride Pass, NYC Public Markets gift cards ($25), Snug Harbor family membership, Family
fun wristband and free ride on the Cyclone at Luna Park in Coney Island
• Details of available incentives while supplies last than can be found at the vaccine incentives
website, nyc.gov/vaccineincentives.
How do individuals redeem their $100?
• Once someone's first COVID-19 vaccine dose is complete, they will receive an email with a link
to www.vax4nyc.nyc.gov/incentives.
• The incentive was announced on Wednesday, July 28. The option to select the $100 pre-paid
debit card will not be live until Friday July 30. Providers should be clear with all of their patients
during this time period: if an individual receives their first dose on July 28 or 29, they should
wait until Friday July 30 to go to www.vax4nyc.nyc.gov/incentives to redeem their $100 pre-
paid debit card incentive.
• On the website, individuals will be asked to enter their first dose appointment number, first
name, last name, date of birth, and home zip code to get access to the menu where they can
choose the $100 pre-paid debt card.
o Virtual Card (Email Address Required): If the patient has an email address, they can
select the virtual card option. When they select this option, they will receive an email
with a unique redemption code. Individuals should click the link in the email to be taken
to the website https://app.akimbocard.com/app/#/redeem/virtual where they will need
to enter the redemption code, name, email address, and phone number. Once they
input this information they will automatically receive their $100 pre-paid virtual debit
card which they can use online or in physical locations by adding to a digital wallet such
as Apple Wallets.
o Physical Card (Email Address Not Required): If the patient does not have an email
address, they should select the physical card option. The card will be mailed to the
address they input when they made their appointment.
§ TO COME: If individuals do not have a physical or email address, we will be
setting up walk-in pickup sites in the coming days. An announcement will be
made when they are available and the information for locations and hours will
be on nyc.gov/vaccineincentives. There will be multiple pickup sites in each
• The third party card provider Akimbo will not receive any information about vaccination status.
• Individuals do not need an email address to claim their incentives. They can just go directly to
• Patients will also be able to continue to opt into and utilize the Bonus Referral Program
for organizations, which allows any organization to get $100 for referring a patient that
gets their first dose, in addition to this incentive and others available.
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